Weekly Worship Service is at 8:00 am & 9:30 am
Virtual Services Details
We are recording and posting worship services to YouTube
We livestream our 9:30 service to YouTube and Facebook
We’d love to have you share input for worship. Click Here for instructions
If you are able to support our ongoing ministry you can click here to give online
or use one of the other options listed on the Give tab.
Click here for weekly worship services and bulletins
We are an Open and Affirming Congregation
We are Handicap Accessible, offer large print bulletins and hearing assistance devices.
Our Communion is monthly and open to ALL people and ALL ages.
“Peace Church exists to feed souls,
grow in God’s extravagant love and
together serve all of God’s children and creation.”
all are welcome
God does not turn anyone away and neither do we. We are a community that is committed to extending an extravagant welcome to all people.
what to expect
Come in Packers gear or your Sunday best. Sing Modern and Ancient songs in Creole or Spanish. See Pastor Eric in a traditional robe or preaching "in character."
... and More!
We value a worship service that enables active participation and not just passive consumption. A woman in her 70’s, a man in his 20’s, teenagers from a Confirmation Class, members of our Youth Choir... all get involved!
Small Town. Big Hearts.
343 First Street, PO Box 433 | Kewaskum, WI 53040
262-626-4011 | office@peace-ucc.org
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:00 am-3:30 pm, Friday 8:00 am-Noon
To join our Prayer Chain Weekly Email, reach out to prayers@peace-ucc.org.