A letter that is already obsolete... We will NOT be holding worship March 15th

March 13, 2020
Dear Beloved Community,
The last few days have reminded us that we have entered unprecedented territory.
As we have listened to the World Health Organization proclaim that we are now in the
midst of a pandemic, and we have watched our nation scrambling to discern how best
to contain and combat a novel viral infection we are quickly assessing how this might
impact us as a worshipping and gathering community.
It is in times of crisis that we need our faith most. At the same time, the very gathering in
community that feeds our souls may not be the most prudent course of action for the
health of ourselves or our community.
I have never been a pastor through a pandemic, so we are going to navigate this
journey together. We continue to be in conversation with the Wider Church and to
monitor the directives of the CDC and WHO to try to root our response in science rather
than fear. We will follow the direction of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services
and any specific guidance that comes from our county in terms of closures. We will also
stop holding services should the school districts close. We will not stop doing ministry in
whatever new and creative ways God may offer to us.
We will gather for worship this weekend . . . we’ll have hand sanitizer available; we’re
working to increase our efforts to sanitize surfaces in which we commonly come in
contact. We’ll be refraining from handshakes.
Friends, I encourage you to continue to take lots of precautions:
 For those who are elderly or with current health concerns - it is wisest to practice
social isolation
 Wash your hands with warm water and soap long enough to recite the Lord's
 For those who experience any symptoms of cold or flu - stay home and contact
your doctor if you think you need testing for COVID-19
 We’ll be looking into the possibilities of using technology for meetings, Bible
studies, and worship services as quickly as we can.
 Ensure sufficient food and paper supplies, prescriptions and hygiene
essentials…but please don't hoard. Allow your earthly siblings to have sufficiency
as well!
Please DO stay connected with one another as together we discern how to grow
stronger as God's beloved community. I had the following words from Rabbi Yosef
Kanefsky forwarded to me this morning. “Every hand that we don’t shake must become
a phone call that we place. Every embrace that we avoid must become a verbal
expression of warmth and concern. Every inch and foot that we physically place between ourselves and another, must become a thought as to how we might be of help to that other, should the need arise.”
We have heard that both Cedar Community’s assisted living and health care center as well as Kettle Moraine Garden are no longer permitting visitors from the outside for at least the next 30 days. Most of our college students and professors either have heard or are anticipating hearing that their campuses will be closing and classes moving online in the next few days or weeks. And for all the others whose lives and livelihoods are disrupted, let us hear that as in invitation to practice love and connection in new ways.
Finally, I would share with you the words that our Conference Minister Rev. Franz Rigert shared with us last night: crafted by the Rev. Dr. Hannah Adams Ingram (a University Chaplain):
Oh God, I'm Spinning Out: A Prayer
There is so much I do not know
There is so much I cannot see
There is so much I cannot control
In the moments I feel powerless, I will take a deep breath
trusting that I am tasked only with doing my part, not the whole
In the moments I feel unsure, I will take a deep breath
trusting that I am not alone and that together, our wisdom will be richer
In the moments I feel anxious, I will take a deep breath
trusting that there is no depth I can fall out of reach of the Spirit that holds me close
What I do know is that my life and love and worth extend far beyond my work
What I can see is that spring follows every winter and new life pokes out from cold ground
What I can control is my breath and the love I inject into a world so clearly lacking it
"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."
Remember - Care, Caution and Calm. And keep the faith! My prayers of love, support and encouragement abide with you,
Pastor Eric


A letter from Pastor Eric


Message from Our Covenanted Partner in Ministry, Rev. Gretchen Martin